学费 Increase Hardship 豁免政策 and Guidelines
The Hardship Waiver includes the academic excellence fee 总共120美元.00 per semester and the 操作费用 of $62.00 per semester as allowed under LRS 17:1855.1 and LRS 17:3351 (d) (ii)17:3351(a)(5)(e), respectively the 建筑物使用费 of $48.00, 大学支持费用 $217.00 (under研究生s) and $250.00 (研究生 students) and 访问的费用 of $300.00 (under研究生 and 研究生).
The waiver shall not exceed seven hundred forty-seven dollars ($747.00) per semester for under研究生 students and seven hundred eighty dollars ($780.00) for 研究生 students.
Prior to imposing any increase or increases in tuition or mandatory attendance fee amount, 或两个, established pursuant to the provisions of this subparagraph, each management board shall establish criteria for waivers of such increase or increases in cases of financial hardship. Information about such waivers and the criteria and procedures for obtaining a waiver shall be made available to all prospective students affected by the increase or increases in a timely manner such that the prospective student can be aware of the increase or increases and the availability of waivers thereto prior to the student having to make any final decision concerning attendance at the college or university. This is a one-time waiver 2021年秋季/or Spring 2022 semesters and will expire on May 13, 2022.
十大赌博信誉网站 eligible to apply must:
- Be a Louisiana resident.
- Have full-time enrollment status.
- Apply for federal financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA) and have requested all types of available federal assistance.
- Have a valid FAFSA on file in the 金融援助 Office reflecting an annual Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of zero (0) for the current academic period.
- Have accepted all types of financial aid offered.
- Meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress policy standards for receipt of federal financial aid.
- Not be the recipient of another form of fee exemption or waiver. Examples: National Guard, Title 29, Title 33, 教师/工作人员, etc.
- Not have tuition paid by another state or external agency or scholarship program. Examples: Vocational Rehabilitation, ROTC Scholarship, TOPS, etc.
请注意: If additional aid is accepted or declined that effects eligibility after the waiver is granted, the waiver will be cancelled.
Southern University at Baton Rouge offers waivers to Louisiana resident students who demonstrate financial hardship caused by the increase in tuition and/or fees effective Fall 2021 semester. Procedures have been established to provide waivers to eligible students in the amount of increased tuition and/or fees. Any student who wishes to apply for the waiver during the 2021- 2022 academic year must complete a 学费 Hardship Waiver Request Form, which will be submitted to the Office of Finance and 政府.
The 学费 Increase Hardship Request Form is attached to this policy.
十大赌博信誉网站 must complete and submit a 学费 Increase Hardship Waiver form to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and 政府 via Dynamic Forms located on ezowwh.wnqihuo.com by 9月17日, 2021 2021年秋季 2022年2月11日 2022年春季.